Supporting Schools Program
The current statistics reflect that 1 in 7 young Australians experience a mental health condition. The evidence suggests that 3 in 4 adult mental ill health emerges by the age of 24 and half that by age 14. It might surprise you to know that suicide is the biggest killer of young Australians and accounts for the deaths of more young people than car accidents do.
Since working in student welfare, I have found that resilience and emotional regulation has been one of the consistent issue throughout the school community. I have developed a keen interest and concern for supporting youth through developing self-awareness around their emotions, age appropriate techniques that regulate and overcome strong emotions, as well as teaching students to be intentional about character development.
Our program “Bounce” targets resilience and emotional regulation aimed at age eight upwards. The course is designed to be run alongside a supportive staff member that the children have already built a positive relationship with for a duration of 40-60 minutes each week ( or equivalent to a school session) over a term, in order for new habits to be formed. Contact us for a session outline.
Selah Mind and Body Balance is a sequence of gentle stretching exercises that support mindfulness, flexibility and relaxation. Developed for both adults and children in mind, research shows how mindfulness can reduce stress and support children in their learning. Evidence suggests that regular mindful awareness practise changes how our body and brain respond to stress therefore strengthening connections in the prefrontal cortex (our consciousness) and reducing reactivity in our limbic system (emotions) supporting self reflection and self regulation. Combined these play a vital role in education.
We also run Professional Development Workshops and Info sessions for the parents/community to support our programs. We can also accommodate to your specific needs and provide workshops on various topics concerning mental health. Topics include;
- emotional literacy and regulation
- developing resilience in children
- grief, loss and trauma affects on children
- attachment theory (the basis for human connection and communication styles)
- Aggression in the classroom and how to manage ( new schools legislation)
- SMARTS (recognising multiple intelligences not just academic)
We provide Counselling and Family Therapy services and can be contacted on 0488 193 307.